Our Offices

Our offices, centrally located in the capital of Ecuador, Quito, have all the modern communication technology in order to be in touch with you at any time.

Our teamwork is dedicated to fulfill your orders. The direct communication between the sales department, the post-harvest room and the production site allows us to treat your orders and needs in a more personal way.

The offices are comfortable and integrate all the administrative areas of the company: Sales, Accounting, Human Resources, IT, Finances, Quality Control, General Management and Technical Management. Everybody together but independent, to work more efficiently.

Tel: +593 2 5103870
Tel: +593 2 5103871
Phone:  +593 9 80220333
Toll Free USA/CANADA: 1800-282-0753
Skype:    Rozen Valley

MSN1: aquinodewit@hotmail.com
MSN2: cany20@hotmail.com
Mail: aquinodewit@rozenvalley.com
Mail2: sales@rozenvalley.com